Peter Vine is a marine biologist and author with special interests in coral reef ecology, marine conservation, photography and film-making.

This website gathers together much of the work that Peter has been engaged in over the past 50 or so years, including his memoirs: SPIRORBIS – Stories from my Life. You can visit Peter's work from this site and also obtain purchasing information for his latest book. Visit the News page for latest updates and the Books page for further information on SPIRORBIS and other more about Peter ›

Peter Vine
Spirorbis - A book by Peter Vine


Stories from my Life by Peter Vine

Spirorbis takes the reader on a journey of exploration and adventure to the islands and remote coastlines of Greece, the Caribbean, Australia, New Zealand, Melanesia, Micronesia, Polynesia, East Africa, the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf region.

"...Normally, this would have been ample surprise to scare away a shark but this was a more determined individual. Instead of disappearing into the murky haze, it doubled back and came even closer than before."

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